Sunday, March 30, 2014

Gossip from Cyberspace

Gossip from Cyberspace / Juan Juan Almeida
Posted on March 29, 2014

According to the blog "Cuba al Descubierto" (Cuba Uncovered), edited by
Mr. Luis Dominguez and specializing in Cuban curiosities, recently
arrived in Miami after crossing the Mexican border and asking the US
authorities for refuge, is a young Havanan named Josué Colomé Vázquez,
and the question many are asking is what's so special about a Cuban
crossing the border and asking for asylum in the United States.

Well, the first is that although entering the United States by this
route is a common practice, it's considered illegal. The second, and
more interesting one, is that the so pompous Josué is the son of the
Cuban vice-president and Minister of the Interior General Abelardo
Colome Ibarra. So it's all perfectly normal, exiled and emigrated will
return to Havana; and the children of the elite will continue to
increase in la Yuma (the US of A).

27 March 2014

Source: Gossip from Cyberspace / Juan Juan Almeida | Translating Cuba -

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