Sunday, December 29, 2013

Reparing a TV Antenna in Cuba

Reparing a TV Antenna in Cuba
December 28, 2013
Osmel Almaguer

HAVANA TIMES — Imagine you don't have a broad range of recreational
options for the evenings that came after long days of work, that your
one alternative is TV programing and that this is the one means of
warding off boredom in the time spanning dinner and bedtime. Now,
imagine your television set doesn't have very good reception.

Naturally, you'll try to find out the reason for this. You'll probably
agree with the conclusion that your area is a kind of "dead zone" in
terms of TV reception and try and raise your antenna, thinking a 3 to
4-meter long piece of piping, some wires to keep it upright and a longer
piece of TV cable (yours isn't long enough) will do the trick.

Imagine you buy the TV cable from a self-employed vender. You pay for
fifteen meters of cable but, as is to be expected, you only get 13 and a
half. You've been had, but you don't let it get to you (you don't lose
it, at least), for it's something that is almost predictable. Then,
however, you discover the cable isn't thick enough and that you can't do
anything with it.

You've been had twice, so your anger goes up a notch (as your
frustration also begins to rise). You, however, failed to check the
product you bought, trusting in the good intentions of the vender, and
such mistakes are paid dearly.

Now, replace the self-employed fellow in the story with a saleswoman at
a State, Cuban-peso store and go through the following steps:
- Do not blame the saleswoman for scamming you out of a meter and a half
of cable, nor the truck drivers or warehouse people, who most likely had
nothing to do with it. Don't even blame the person who purchased the
product abroad, who accepted a bribe in exchange for buying something
worthless. Don't blame yourself.
- Feel proud of your frustration, which is a normal reaction to such
situations. Don't be ashamed, don't feel naive.
- Don't dwell on the fact you wasted your money and, what's worse,
didn't manage to solve the problem. Breathe deeply. Try to feel love
towards others. Don't hold a grudge.
- Finally, sit in front of the TV, even if the reception isn't that
great and, if you've got the energy, turn off the set and pick up a
book. Then, you'll see that the feeling of having been conned stings a
little less.

Source: Reparing a TV Antenna in Cuba - Havana -

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