Thursday, October 29, 2009

Retired PSU prof's book tells about Cuba in the '50s

Retired PSU prof's book tells about Cuba in the '50s
Thursday, October 29, 2009

PLYMOUTH — A retired Plymouth State professor will be discussing his new
book on the rise of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro during a book talk and
signing scheduled for next week.

Professor of History Emeritus Manuel Marquez-Sterling will talk about
his book, "Cuba 1952-1959: The True Story of Castro's Rise to Power," on
Tuesday at 3 p.m. at the Lamson Library and Learning Commons.

Marquez-Sterling was a witness to history in the seven critical years of
1952-1959 when the struggle for Cuba was not just between Fulgencio
Batista and Castro only, but also a third force that advocated for a
peaceful, democratic resolution.

Elections were held on Nov. 3, 1958 and Dr. Sterling's father, Carlos
Marquez-Sterling, was a candidate for president. His father was expected
to win by a landslide vote, but there was rampant electoral fraud due to
Batista and the Army. Six weeks after the election, Batista fled Cuba
and Castro's revolution took over the country.

Marquez-Sterling said the book destroys many myths about Cuba and shows
that it was a prosperous and progressive country, and in the fast lane
to become a first-world country with a large middle class, a fine
educational system open to all classes, and with high standards of living.

More information about the reading is available by contacting Anne
Lebreche at Lamson Library and Learning Commons via e-mail to

Retired PSU prof's book tells about Cuba in the '50s - Fosters (29
October 2009)

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