Saturday, September 26, 2015

Dreams of a Cuban Catholic

Dreams of a Cuban Catholic / 14ymedio, Jorge Guillen

14ymedio, Jorge Guillen, 23 September 2015 — Pope Francis left Cuba and
left us several important messages. He spoke to us of service to others,
mercy, love, humility. However, more than words, his ideas also came
with gestures and attitudes. After hearing and seeing him, I wondered:
Could this man help to transform the attitudes and the language of our

We will have to wait a little to find out, but the seed is planted and
it's up to us to fertilize and water it to fruition. We cannot allow
ourselves to continue bleeding in this sterile struggle. Cuba belongs to
all Cubans, no matter how they think and no matter how they live. Those
who run the country have the obligation to guarantee the peaceful
coexistence and social friendship of all the people.

For many years, we Cubans have been engaged in one of those phases of
the third world war mentioned by Pope Francis. In our case it involves
the infamous Battle of Ideas, the main ingredient of which is feeding
hatred and violence among Cuban themselves.

While this is happening in the interior of the island, the official
delegations that attend international events like the ALBA and CELAC
summits make speeches where they squander solidarity, commitment and love.

I dream that this government's foreign policy would also apply to the
Cuban people.

That attitude was also perceived in the Cuban television journalists who
covered the papal visit. Francis repeated phrases and tried to link all
the positive things he said to the Cuban Revolution, while the negative
he laid on the rest of the world. He gave the impression, in his words,
that in this island everything is fine and that is the rest of the
planet that is very wrong. They did not want to recognize that although
the Holy Father addressed his remarks to everyone, he did so in a way
especially to Cubans: from the government, the religious, regime
opponents and even non-believers.

Inspired by the messages of Francis, civil society must work together in
building a new Cuba, in a culture of encounter and dialogue, justice and
love. There also needs to be an end at the information monopoly of the
Communist Party and give recognition to civil society, regardless of
ideological differences and points of view. It's time to stop being "a
light on the street and dark at home*," and to work within our country
for love and humility.

*Translator's note: The old expression "Candil de la calle, oscuridad de
la casa" (a light in the street, darkness at home) means that a person
is effective ("lit up") away from home and with others, but useless
("dark") at home.

Source: Dreams of a Cuban Catholic / 14ymedio, Jorge Guillen |
Translating Cuba -

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