Saturday, September 26, 2015

Activists Arrested for Approaching the Pope on Hunger Strike

Activists Arrested for Approaching the Pope on Hunger Strike / 14ymedio
Posted on September 24, 2015

14ymedio, 24 September 2015 — The three activists of the Patriotic Union
of Cuba (UNPACU) arrested on Sunday during Pope Francis's Mass Francisco
in the Plaza of the Revolution in Havana remain on hunger strike,
according to a Thursday statement from UNPACU.
The regime opponents, who were arrested as they approached the Pope to
denounce the situation of human rights in Cuba, are being held at the
police station known as 100 y Aldabó in the capital.

"From the day of their arrest, Zacchaeus Baez, Maria Josefa Acón and
Ismael Bonet have been on a hunger strike," the statement says, adding:
"As of yesterday the decided that it would also be a thirst strike." The
activists, according to the statement, "belong to the UNPACU Felix
Varela Cell in Calabazar" and Ancon is also a member of the Ladies in White.

The opposition group has begun "a campaign in support of the three
detainees," according to its leader, Jose Daniel Ferrer. The first
actions are aimed at "informing the public through disks and printed
matter about the action in the Square." The former political prisoner
says that the organization is posting notices "on poles, walls and other
sites with photos of the three and explanations of what they did."

Under the theme of "The three who reached the Pope" UNPACU has also
organized marches in the east of the country, in Camagüey, Havana and
Pinar del Río. The statement warns that, "if they are not released, the
next step in solidarity with the three could be a mass hunger strike in
public places."

Source: Activists Arrested for Approaching the Pope on Hunger Strike /
14ymedio | Translating Cuba -

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