Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Dr. Darsi Ferrer, Director Center for Health and Human Rights "Juan
Bruno Zayas"

Havana, June 30, 2007. The achievements of the Cuban Health System
reflect the reality of the services offered in the centers and
installations devoted to medical attention for foreigners and the
members of the ruling cupola, which the total opposite of the dismal
quality, insufficiencies and total deterioration of the services
available to the general public.

Although it is not officially recognized, the family doctor and nurse
program disappears in actual practice. So far the authorities do not
implement any alternative to compensate as substitution for that plan,
that was in Cuba BC the cornerstone of the primary health service and care.

In the latter years the "plundering" of physicians for the population
reaches a figure higher than twenty thousands, to which we have to add
tons of resources such as equipment, medications, suppliers and
chemicals requisitioned to cover missions of political interest in the
countries of Latin America and Africa.

In our country the majority of medical offices are closed for lack of
staff. Physicians are forced to work 3 or 4 cities of more than one
hundred and twenty families each for a salary of 22 dollars per month
which does not cover even their bare necessities. Many offices stay open
due to the work performed by medical students attending third year or
later at medical school who obviously lack professional qualification
and responsibility.

Hospitals and policlinics where the Cuban Joe Doke is treated are in bad
shape due to building problems, lack hygiene and minimal conditions to
offer adequate medical services. When the patients are admitted they
must provide their own meals, utensils and supplies, such as sheets,
towels, pajamas, fans, china, table service, glasses, light bulbs,
medication, chemicals et al, among other difficulties they face.

Contrary to the orientation of multilateral organizations, the Cuban
system is ruled by a centralization policy. The functioning of the
system is planned at high levels of the government and forbids
independent participation of the civil society in decision making and
utilization of resources. This provokes a high level of bureaucracy,
deficiencies, dysfunctional operations, ignorance of reality and
corruption at all levels. Besides, it generates the use of lies as an
official mechanism to "meet the goals" set by the "higher ups",

Even though the country centers with cutting edge technology where drugs
are produced and even exported, the pharmacies lack all kinds of
products. The deficit extends to even the essential medications such as
analgesics, antacid, vitamins and minerals, syringes and thermometers.

An old lady known as Fina was admitted to the Julio Trigo Hospital
suspected of having lung cancer. But it was not possible to perform a
bronchoscope to confirm the diagnosis because the equipment was out of
order. Coincidentally, a few days after admission she suffered a brain
infarct which complicated her condition.

Octavio Armenteros had fever during several days that was associated
with loss of appetite, difficulty in swallowing, shortness of breath,
cold symptoms and progressive loss of weight. He was admitted in the 10
de October Hospital. The deplorable conditions of the facility made him
go home. A "Godfather" of the family (a high ranking official) could get
him admitted to Almeijeiras Hospital (reserved for the cupola and
foreigners). There they diagnosed him with pulmonary emphysema,
brochiectasis and a larynges tumor. He has been in his house for months
in a desperate condition because he has no way of obtaining a simple
oxygen bottle to mitigate his respiratory condition. Neither can him
obtain follow up for the treatment of his tumor, with a clinical
deterioration ensuing from all this.

It took almost a year for Lidia to, finally, obtain that a gastroscopy
would be performed. The diagnosis was chronic duodenitis and peptic
ulcer. The specialist a treatment and due to lack of physicians in the
offices of her neighborhood , months have gone by and she can not obtain
a certificate about the medications required so that the pharmacy that
belongs her "health area" could sell them to her.

The increase in transmissible diseases has given rise to an ever
increasing state if worry. During all year we see epidemics of dengue,
hepatitis, leptospirosis, meningo encephalitis, respiratory and
diarrheic diseases. Most of the population is affected by parasites,
anemia and mal nutrition. Pathologies such as tuberculosis have high
rate of occurrences and prevalence that are alarming.

Some programs that had achieved a degree of functioning within the
system were abandoned several years ago. One that is a thing of the past
is "massive mammograms". This has made frequent that the diagnosis of
breast cancer, highly elevated now and with tendency to increase, is
made in advanced stages of the cancer when the possibilities of surgical
treatment that could cure it are minimum. Also, in detriment of the
women's health, there are serious difficulties to carry out massive
cytological tests, which generates an increase in deaths due to cervical

Given the case that no active checkups are made for the detection of
cases of high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus, among others, many
times the patients go to the doctor only when serious complications
appear, factor that explains the increase in the vascular/encephalic
accidents, cardiovascular problems, kidney insufficiency and other
chronic illnesses that arise from this.

Similar situation is faced with those affected by HIV. Lately the number
of cases diagnosed in the SIDA phase, that is, the full bloom stage of
the disease with all symptoms and signs, which demonstrates the under
recording of the data with a high percentage of patients without
diagnosis and the lack of control in the national program carried out in
the country.

The infant mortality rate (less than a year old) is one of the few
programs that is still functioning, as it is an strategic indicator that
produces political benefits at the international level when it is
related to the development of human development and quality of life
among other aspects. Of course, it is not explained to the public that
in Cuba this low infant mortality rate is associated with astronomical
figures of abortions. The doctors are supposed to suggest abortion in
risky pregnancies y, in some occasions, must perform the interruption
without the consent of the couple.

It is probable that as long as the apartheid in medical services
continue and, therefore, the people is negated access to medical
assistance in "differentiated hospitals" such as Cira Garcia, CIMEQ,
Frank Pais, La Pradera, Almeijeiras, Koly and other, exclusively devoted
to foreginers and members of the "high ruling class", the Cubans keep
resisting the use of the health system and opt for "santeria" (witch
doctors) and herbal treatment with the prevalence of generalized
inconformity with the poor quality of the medical services.


For further information, please contact:
Junta Patriotica Cubana
Human Rights
Ph.: (305) 448-9898
Fax: (305) 567-9548

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