Saturday, June 25, 2016

Everything Focused on Fidel’s Ninetieth!

Everything Focused on Fidel's Ninetieth! / Rebeca Monzo

Rebeca Monzo, 24 June 2016 — This is not about the lottery or a charade.
On the contrary, it's about an absurd and unfortunate violent and viral
"cult of personality" attack.

I remember in the early sixties when some government kiss-up had the
idea of coming out with a postage stamp with the face of Fidel the
guerrilla on it, and almost immediately, in a gesture I now consider
meant to play well in the media, he was ordered to withdraw it.

But with the passing of time photos of the "maximum leader" appeared in
public offices, workplaces, factories and schools. The media wrapped
everything around his figure and the leader was turning a blind eye
because apparently he was pleased by it. His ego was growing and growing.

Since January of this year, not a single day of the calendar has passed
in which the printed press, radio and TV have failed to refer to the
90th birthday of the "eternal leader."

Just to cite a few examples. At the National Council of the Workers'
Central Union of Cuba (CTC), in a country where there are so many and
diverse labor problems that affect workers, the CTC considered one of
the most important tasks of the labor union movement to to pay homage of
the indisputable leader of the Revolution on his 90th birthday.

In another example, forestry workers celebrated the day set aside for
them by planting ninety cedars as a sign of respect for Fidel's "ideas
and legacy."

Even the "renewed" La Rampa Fair, in its 17th edition, will be dedicated
to the leader's 90th birthday.

This is happening in all the cultural, political and labor spheres in
our country, because the top leadership demands and prioritizing all
this "North Korean Style" tribute, to this 90th birthday that will be
celebrated this August 13th.

Source: Everything Focused on Fidel's Ninetieth! / Rebeca Monzo –
Translating Cuba -

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