Monday, April 18, 2016

The Expendable Revolution

The Expendable Revolution / Néstor Díaz de Villegas

Néstor Díaz de Villegas, 17 April 2016 – Once upon a time I made the
mistake of thinking that the Revolution – I'm speaking about the Cuban
Revolution – was indispensable, that its advent had forever altered the
course of History. Today I am reflecting on what would be its
fundamental contributions, the (let's say) Grundlagen of the Cuban
Revolution, and I find I can only think of three, precisely those that
are rarely taken into account by historians.

The current state of affairs – with regards to what concerns the end of
the Revolution – has provoked the most diverse opinions, but I think
that the greatest lesson, the scandalous lesson of the terminal stage of
the Castro regime, is not necessarily its mortality, but its dispensability.

Behold, Castro's Revolution turned out to be expendable. Looking at the
American Revolution, the French Revolution, or even the Fascist one, we
see that the Cuban one is not an event in the same category. It is
impossible to conceive of the world without the American Revolution, but
the Cuban Revolution disappears from the map and nobody cries. It leaves
behind nothing essential, nothing permanent. It falls, in its
Reaganesque way, into the Dustbin of History, and into the storeroom of
ideological curiosities and nobody cares – or perhaps it will be dealt
with as a Caribbean thing, or as an item in a catalog of personal

It has been tremendously easy to get rid of it. The CIA was right: it
required the death of Fidel Castro, his physical elimination through a
bullet or an exploding cigar, because the Revolution was nothing more
than his whim, a Spanish capriccio, the fantasy of the mind of an
cunning Spanish hidalgo (cunning in the sense of perfidious), or the
nightmare of a Galician bumpkin suffering from Indies fevers.

So the CIA's plans were fully justified, and now all the remains is to
recognize the heroes and heroines who gave their lives in support of
this ad hominem argument. Because the elimination of Castro would have
brought on the advent of a substitute, a Sancho Panza, several decades
earlier and with it what is today known as "Raulism," which is to say,
the transformation of Cuba into Cervantes' Barataria.

The inconsequential end of the Castro regime brings no fallen walls nor
decapitated statues – which would be so 20th Century! – on the contrary,
it brings a private funeral to which only the family is invited: the
Castros, the Espíns, the López-Callejas, the Soto del Valles, the Diaz
Balarts, and the still warm dead.

An Argentine pope with connections to a dictatorship and a president
with ancestors in Kenya, decided to put an end to Castroism during a
secret meeting in the backroom of postmodernism. Raul Castro didn't
resist, he nodded and gave his consent. After all, he's just an old
Galician who thinks like an old gringo. He knows Castroism died in the
geriatric ward without leaving reliable successors. Again it fell to
Raúl, the prodigal brother, to find a practical solution to the problem.
The laurels of History had wilted and now all that was left was to dust
the ferns in the rehab center.

The visible effects of the Vatican conclave are, in order of importance:
the "triumph" of Venezuelan opposition in the last parliamentary
elections; the delayed but imminent departure of Nicolas Maduro; the
Alberto Nisman affair in Argentina and the ouster of Cristina Fernandez
de Kirchner and the rise of Mauricio Macri in that same country: events
unthinkable without the consent of Havana.

What remains is pure theater: the imperial rhetoric of the Golden Age –
which was, after all, our last century – repression as puppet theater,
insolence as a tic, and the bands of unemployed leftists to whom the new
democratic governments must offer free macramé lessons.

As for the three permanent creations of Castroism, I will try to explain
them in as many quick paragraphs:

1. If Latin America sought a magnetic center where it might implement
its literary fantasies, it found it in Castro's Cuba. Castroism was The
Aleph, so its end is the equivalent of the demolition of the house of
Carlos Argentino Daneri (in the story by Jorge Luis Borges). One had to
go to Havana on a pilgrimage to see the world in a nutshell: Ernesto
Guevara (Carlos Argentino) was the first to discover this trajectory,
this magnetism. Because Castroism was, during the briefest of times,
poetry with a Heideggerian ability to destine.
2. Castroism is, in addition, the universal development of dictatorship.
It fell to Fidel Castro to reinterpret the contents of the Batista
regime (education, healthcare, repression, socialism, tourism and
spectacle). The Castro ontology is just a myth: Castroism sprang
complete out of the Republic's head. The bifurcation of 1959 led to
overdevelopment – or inflated development – of what would have happened
anyway, although in a different form, under Batista. Instead of
classical economic development, Castroism was an archaic antithetical
development. The expanding Batista regime migrates to literature, and is
resolved there, finding in literature its deferred culmination: in
Cabrera Infante's Three Trapped Tigers, in Lezama's Paradise, and in
Sarduy's Metamorphosis.
3. Exile is a Castro construction, a prison enclave where the class
production system was maintained with the intention of resupply. The
Exile is nothing more than another element of the Revolutionary economic
diversification: a "New Economic Policy" in partibus. There is no
difference between exporting a revolution and exporting an exile. In
fact, emigration has been Castroism's secret weapon. The Castro
migrations continued the Latinization of the Empire, a crowning
achievement of Cuba's foreign policy, much like what the vandalizing of
national unity was to national policy.

Finally, and as an add-on, I must repeat that Reinaldo Arenas, the
greatest Cuban thinker of the last half century, projected into
Castroism the symptomatic aspects of his own disease. For Reinaldo,
Castroism itself was a plague, the mal du siècle. That is, an
intracellular, microscopic and underworldly affair and, at the same
time, a cyberimmunological creation: the Fidel Castro virus. Because
Castro is every medium, Castro is also the message (in the encrypted,
encapsulated language of the retroviral code).

We all carry Castro within.

Source: The Expendable Revolution / Néstor Díaz de Villegas –
Translating Cuba -

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