Monday, April 25, 2016

Obama's mess - Cuba's thanks

Obama's mess: Cuba's thanks
BY THE TRIBUNE-REVIEW | Sunday, April 24, 2016, 9:00 p.m.

Weeks after President Obama's trumpeted visit to Cuba, the sour notes
are still blaring from the communist isle.

The latest discord comes from Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez,
who called Mr. Obama's ill-advised fence-mending visit "an attack on the
foundation of our history, our culture and our symbols," Fox News Latino
reports. To a regime locked in time and ideology, Obama's mission was
nothing more than to "dazzle the non-state sector," Mr. Rodriguez insisted.

President Raul Castro, who, incidentally, will retain Cuba's Communist
Party's highest post for another five years, recently called the United
States "the enemy" and warned Cubans to remain vigilant against U.S.
initiatives that undermine the communist revolution, Reuters reported.

And that followed the vitriol of Fidel Castro, who, just days after
Obama's sojourn, rejected the notion that his country needs anything
from the U.S. and insisted that the U.S. embargo won't soon be forgiven.

So what has changed? Only that more Cubans are fleeing to the U.S. to
escape their country's repressive government and claim asylum benefits,
which they fear will run out as U.S. "detente" evolves.

Contrary to the administration's presumptions, the Castro regime — and
its inevitable heirs — will never accept or respect U.S. capitalism and
the freedom it enables. Chalk up another foreign policy fumble by an
administration that's become renowned for dropping the ball.

Source: Obama's mess: Cuba's thanks | TribLIVE -

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