Friday, April 15, 2016

Cuba wrong to exclude Cuban-born travelers from cruising to the island - Kerry

Kerry: Cuba wrong to exclude Cuban-born travelers from cruising to the

The secretary of state was in Miami on Thursday for a series of meetings
He called on Cuba to change a policy that bars arrivals by boat for
those born in Cuba
He capped the day with an address to students at Miami Dade College

On a busy Thursday that included meeting with Cuban-American leaders and
encouraging Miami Dade College students to embrace diversity, Secretary
of State John Kerry waded into the Carnival Corp. controversy,
criticizing enforcement of a Cuban decree that prevents those born on
the island from traveling to and from Cuba by sea.

"The United States government will never support, never condone
discrimination. And the Cuban government should not have the right to
enforce on us a policy of discrimination against people who have the
right to travel," Kerry said during an interview with the Miami Herald
and CNN en Español in Miami.

"American citizens, Cuban-Americans, have a right to travel, and we
should not be in a situation where the Cuban government is forcing its
discrimination policy on us," Kerry said. "So we call on the government
of Cuba to change that policy and to recognize that if they want full
relations and normal relationship with the United States, they have to
live by international laws, not exclusively by Cuban laws."

The theme of inclusion was also one that Kerry emphasized during remarks
to students of Miami Dade Honors College, an academically rigorous
program at Miami Dade College that emphasizes a global perspective.

Asked whether Carnival should postpone its plans to start cruises May 1
aboard its Fathom line until Cuban-born Americans are allowed to travel
to the island by ship, Kerry told the Miami Herald, "Carnival needs to
not discriminate."

A State Department spokesman later clarified that "Secretary Kerry in no
way meant to convey that Carnival is supporting policies that are
discriminating against Cuban-American travelers."

Carnival has said it has been in touch with Cuban authorities about
reconsideration of the Cuban policy, which does not allow those born on
the island to leave or arrive in Cuba via a vessel.

"We travel to over 100 countries and feel everyone should have equal
access to vacation with us, and we are requesting that the policy in
Cuba be changed to allow transport by ships," Carnival said in a
statement. "There has been a policy change with air travel to Cuba, so
we are hopeful that a similar change can also happen with travel by sea."

Carnival was the first U.S. cruise company to gain approval from the
Cuban government to start regular trips from the United States to Cuba
and it is planning week-long trips with stops in Havana, Cienfuegos and
Santiago de Cuba.

However, Cuban-Americans born on the island who tried to buy tickets to
visit Cuba on the cruise ship say they were informed by the company that
they could not make the trip.

On Wednesday, attorneys filed a class-action lawsuit in Miami against
Carnival Corp. and Fathom on behalf of a Cuban-American couple denied
tickets for the cruise. The lawsuit says the company is violating
federal law banning discrimination based on national origin. Fathom says
in its website that it is "Carnival's policy to obey the regulations and
laws of the countries we sail to around the world."

Later Thursday during a speech at the Freedom Tower, which Kerry called
the "Ellis Island of the South," he exhorted Miami Dade Honors College
students to pursue an inclusive American dream that also includes "what
our country stands for internationally."

To encourage freedom, he said, the United States wants to help "the
Cuban people to begin a new chapter in their history." He acknowledged
that there are critics who believe Cuba has done nothing to deserve a
new relationship with the United States, but said the policy of
engagement and resumption of diplomatic ties with Cuba is the correct one.

"It's hard to think of a weaker diplomatic tool than a closed embassy,"
he said. Kerry said President Barack Obama's recent trip to Cuba, where
he stood side by side with Cuban leader Raúl Castro and answered tough
questions about human rights, political prisoners and what freedom means
was of great value.

The crowd of 750 people, which included 244 freshmen and 187 second-year
students, gave Kerry a standing ovation as he made his way to the stage.
Many held their cellphones up snapping photos and recording most of his
half-hour speech.

"I may agree or not agree with everything he said but I admire that he
is willing to talk about tough stuff with the students," said Maydee
Martínez, 20, a political science major whose parents are Cuban.

Martínez, who hopes to one day work for government, called Kerry's
speech "inspiring."

Kerry said he had one request of the students: "Don't let anyone
undermine your faith in the American dream."

And he added that the dream begins with diversity. The secretary of
state said Miami Dade College, with students from 199 countries who
speak 88 languages, is emblematic of that diversity.

"The real American dream is about a lot more than money and jobs. It's
also about our responsibility to one another," Kerry said. "Everyone
needs to be considered a shareholder in the American dream."

"It was a very powerful speech and very positive," said Miami Dade
College President Eduardo Padrón.

He said he didn't find Kerry's speech political. But playing to a Miami
audience, the secretary couldn't help but touch on Cuba and the politics
of exclusion being espoused by some Republican presidential hopefuls.

"It's almost impossible to be angry when focusing on helping someone
else," said Kerry, who encouraged students to consider careers in public
service and at the State Department. "Your country really does need
you," he said.

Parent Jose Ramon, whose daughter Melissa is graduating this spring,
said Kerry sent the message that parents are trying to impart to their
kids: Don't complain about something unless you're willing to make a change.

Earlier in the day, Kerry stopped by the U.S. Passport Office in Miami
for a meeting with local U.S. State Department personnel. He then met
with Cuban-American leaders, including healthcare executive Mike
Fernandez, Padrón, developer Jorge Pérez and Felice Gorordo, co-founder
of Roots of Hope, among others. He wanted to hear their recommendations
and concerns about the new Cuba policy.

"He also recognized that despite progress for many Cubans, change would
not happen overnight and that significant challenges — especially
regarding human rights — remain," said Mike Toner, a State Department

Miami Herald reporters Carli Teproff and Chabeli Herrera contributed to
this report.

U.S. Department of State

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Assistant Secretary for Western
Hemisphere Affairs Roberta Jacobson

Senior Advisor Ambassador David Thorne

Director General Arnold Chacon

Deputy Chief of Staff Jennifer Stout

Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner

Senior Advisor Marie Harf

Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Karen Richardson

Cuban-American Leaders

Mike Fernandez, MBF Healthcare

Andres Albuquerque, Afro Cuban Forum

Lilliam Lopez, South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Eduardo Padron, Miami Dade College

Roberto Martinez, Colson, Hicks, and Eidson

Maria Elena Prio, Esq.

Andres Fanjul, Florida Crystals Corporation

Felice Gorodo, Clear Path Immigration

Alfie Mesa, Marlins Foundation

Ariel Pereda, Pereda and Association Corp.

Ralph Patino, Patino and Associates

Jorge Perez, The Related Group

Olga Ramudo, Express Travel

Raul Moas, Roots of Hope

Enrique Sosa

Mario Cartaya, Cartaya and Association Architects


Source: Kerry: Cuba wrong to exclude Cuban-born travelers from cruising
to the island | Miami Herald -

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