Monday, December 28, 2015

Vladimir Morera, the political prisoner on a hunger strike, is admitted to intensive care

Vladimir Morera, the political prisoner on a hunger strike, is admitted
to intensive care
DDC | La Habana | 24 Dic 2015 - 4:05 pm.

Political prisoner Vladimir Morera Bacallao was admitted, in serious
condition, to the Hospital Arnaldo Milian de Santa Clara on Monday
night, confirmed his wife, Maribel Herrera, for DIARIO DE CUBA. Morera,
who is in intensive care, has been on a hunger strike for 74 days, and
his family fears for his life.

During his transfer from prison to the hospital he apparently coughed up
blood eight times, the medical team informed his family, and it is
believed that "at any moment he could develop gastrointentestinal bleeding."

"He is very weak and feeble, weighs about 45 kilos (99 pounds), but has
not abandoned his hunger strike. He eats nothing, drinks little water,
and refuses to bet set up with an IV," explained Herrera.

The protestor seems also seems to be experiencing vision problems.

Morera was imprisoned during the last election organized by the regime.
The activist was tried and convicted of protesting and condemning the
Government for holding elections that are a farce.

On Tuesday the Assembly of the Cuban Resistance and other opposition
groups called for his release.

Source: Vladimir Morera, the political prisoner on a hunger strike, is
admitted to intensive care | Diario de Cuba -

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