Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Tourism rise exposes Cuban infrastructure

Tourism rise exposes Cuban infrastructure

The increasing number of tourists heading to Cuba, especially US
travellers, is highlighting gaps in the island's tourism infrastructure,
a report says.
Cuba's tourist infrastructure is "at its peak capacity," says Emilio
Morales, the president of the Miami-based The Havana Consulting Group.
"The impact has been not only in the lodging capacity, but it's also hit
logistics, transportation, the distribution of food and other items that
are needed to attend to hundreds of thousands of visitors."
He said HCG's report detected "scarcity of products that are critical in
attending to not only the tourist market, but to domestic consumers,"
including chicken and Cuban beer.
The lack of chicken is such that, of 25 stores that were checked, there
was absolutely none of the meat in 12 of them.
All these deficiencies send a "very clear signal that domestic
production cannot satisfy the growing demand (in) the market," the
report says.
Morales said Cuba needs big investments in infrastructure.
If this situation has had an impact of this kind on "strategic sectors
of the Cuban economy," he asked, "what would happen with the potential
arrival (in Cuba) of cruise ships and ferrys, along with the increase in
tourists that is expected for 2016?"

Source: Tourism rise exposes Cuban infrastructure - Yahoo Finance New
Zealand -

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