Friday, October 02, 2015

U.S. airlines ‘eager’ to begin scheduled service to Cuba

U.S. airlines 'eager' to begin scheduled service to Cuba

After two days of talks in Havana, no timetable for scheduled service
Five or six U.S. airlines have expressed interest
Cuba also wants its airlines to offer scheduled service to U.S.

Five or six major U.S. airlines are "eager" to begin scheduled service
to the island, but after a second round of talks between the United
States and Cuba on civil aviation matters this week, there's still no
timetable for when such service could begin, a U.S. State Department
official said Thursday.

The U.S. and Cuba held talks on civil aviation matters Monday and
Tuesday in Havana and had "a good, candid exchange of views," the
official said. The first round of aviation talks was held in Washington
in March and it's possible there will be a third round in coming months.

"U.S. carriers are generally eager" to reach an informal arrangement
that would allow scheduled service to begin "as soon as possible," said
the official, who declined to be more specific.

The move is part of the Obama administration's goal of providing broader
travel between the United States and Cuba as the two countries work
toward normalizing relations. Diplomatic ties were restored and
embassies were reopened on July 20.

The official said that Cuba has made it clear it wants reciprocity —
meaning it also would like its airlines to offer scheduled service to
the United States.

However, that desire could be complicated by civil judgments in U.S.
courts against the Cuban government. Filed by those who claim they or
family members have suffered abuses at the hands of the Cuban
government, the suits have been piling up — as have the judgments, to
the tune of several billion dollars. The plaintiffs have won their cases
by default because Cuba has chosen not to defend itself.

If Cuban aircraft fly to the United States, there is a danger the planes
could be seized to satisfy judgments. "Yes, that is a theoretical
possibility," said the official. "The topic has come up."

Martha Pantin, American Airlines spokesperson.

The U.S. negotiators have been careful to make their Cuban counterparts
understand there are "executive limitations" in helping on such matters,
said the official. "I believe the Cuban side is very clear on what those
limitations would be."

Cuban leader Raúl Castro flew to New York last week to attend the United
Nations General Assembly aboard a Cubana de Aviación plane, but it was a
charter rather than a regularly scheduled flight.

"Nothing that I've heard indicates there's been a solution to this,"
said Washington attorney Robert Muse. "I've heard rumors of possible
work-arounds, for example, [the Cubans] leasing a plane from a third
party. But at the end of the day it seems that plane would also be
subject to seizures and attachments."

While the legality of using third-party aircraft was debated, such
planes would likely be grounded, Muse said, delaying and complicating
air travel between the two countries. "Miami would be particularly
vulnerable to this because the bulk of these lawsuits emanate from
Miami-Dade County," he said.

Another scenario is that the "U.S. government could always file a
statement of interest and seek to have the suits vacated," Muse said.
But that, too, could be a long process.

10 Number of international airports in Cuba

The State Department official said the two sides also discussed aviation
safety and security, the U.S. regulatory environment and its impact on
Cuban airlines flying to the United States, and the aviation
infrastructure in Cuba.

The island currently has 10 international airports. As travel to Cuba
increases, the official said, the Cubans are "mindful" of the
infrastructure challenges and are working on them.

Meanwhile, several commercial airlines, including JetBlue and American
Airlines, have been leasing their planes to U.S. charter companies that
fly to Cuba under license from the U.S. Treasury Department.

Having a leased JetBlue or American plane on the tarmac in Cuba is like
an advance calling card for commercial airlines interested in flights to
the island. "They would also like to provide scheduled service
themselves," said the official.

"Once we get the green light to offer regularly scheduled service, we
are ready to go," said Martha Pantin, an AA spokesperson.

American Airlines planes are used on some 22 weekly charter flights to
Cuba , surpassing any other carrier, she said. They serve Camagüey,
Cienfuegos, Holguín, Havana and Santa Clara from Miami and Tampa, and
American plans to begin charter service from Los Angeles to Havana in

Working with charter companies, JetBlue also has leased its planes for
several Florida-Cuba routes, and it will begin a second flight from New
York's John F. Kennedy International Airport to Havana on Dec. 1.

Reaching an arrangement for scheduled service wouldn't necessarily mean
the end of Cuba charter service, said the official: "In no way are we
trying to limit or restrict charters." The intent, the official said, is
to provide more choices to consumers.

Source: U.S. airlines 'eager' to begin scheduled service to Cuba | Miami
Herald -

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