Saturday, August 31, 2013

Prison Diary LII Dear Vilches, Welcome to the Space of Decorum

Prison Diary LII: Dear Vilches, Welcome to the Space of Decorum / Angel
Posted on August 30, 2013

Any injustice against a single person, represents a threat to everyone.

"God makes us, and freedom joins us."

This post I owe to the brave writer and friend Rafael Vilches Proenza
who, by dint of talent, earned the recognition of the intelligentsia of
the Island.

Vilches has followed the call of conscience to do his duty, and
responding to his feelings, forgot the gifts that the Government gives
to those who follow its dictates without opposition; thus, he is about
it enter the Cuban insile, his career as a ghost writer beginning, and
now many who call themselves friends will distance themselves from him,
especially those who were, for a time, advising him to leave this path
of freedom and continue to suck on the teat of the State.

They ar already plotting some strategy, so I ask my friend Vilches to
walk with firm steps. State Security is on the hunt, searching, trying,
how to muddy, at times, without an alibi, the desperation with which
they carry out their coarse punishments, as in my case, but they don't
know that the lash of their whip tastes heavenly, giving us another
reason for living.

Dear Vilches, welcome to the space of decorum, of transparency, tired of
speaking sotto voce, after making sure that nobody will be listening to
an honest judgment.

I swear I've heard those who called themselves friends, who wrote me
extravagant dedications in their books — and then came forward to sign
the document of the "eight women against violence" — being more critical
of the government than I am; as also happened with my literary masters,
hearing their discontent, their pleas for a way out of the crisis and a
political change, but then, when it was time for decency, they showed
caution and moved the flags, writing odes to the leaders of the
dictatorship, and signing whatever open letter is organized against
their colleagues.

Vilches, my brother, now it touches me to be in solidarity with you, you
have stayed to give me encouragement since the regime launched its
filthy thrust. I am experiencing the contradiction of feeling myself
happy to know that History will not record you as pusillanimous, that
you prefer to remain silent to not exchange your dignity for perks, but
in turn it saddens me to know that misery you will receive from many
around you, the betrayal, the loneliness; yet I predict for you that in
the end you will have the compensation of one who stays by your side,
worth more than a hundred, how else would you have discovered false
friends, the cowards?

I only ask that you notice that in addition to the fear in their souls,
they are acting in a mediocre play, none will go down in literary
history, so they do it, because it's the only way to be valued as
writers and receive trips abroad, of those who bring soap to clean the
skin because they have soiled their spirit; of those who have been taken
over by UNEAC. Do not expect solidarity, nor even bureaucratic
protection from what is supposed to the space that represents artists,
to defend us; because that place is just another arm of totalitarianism.

In the end history will render its accounts, because history is what
matters, it is where you can live forever.

From my captivity I send my thanks to you for joining the fight against
the dictatorship.

The embrace of forever, your brother Angel.

Lawton "settlement"*
August 2013

*Translator's note: "Settlement" is the euphemism for the Ministry of
the Interior "special" prison where Angel is now being held.

30 August 2013

Source: "Prison Diary LII: Dear Vilches, Welcome to the Space of Decorum
/ Angel Santiesteban | Translating Cuba" -

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