Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sadistic, Extravagant and Kleptomaniac: General Gondin

Sadistic, Extravagant and Kleptomaniac: General Gondin / Juan Juan
Almeida #Cuba
Juan Juan Almeida, Translator: Unstated

CarlosFernandezGondinWhen being "Papá's boy" I decided to break out of
my bubble, I knew I would face criticisms and threats. But I never
imagined that the wicked and fearful smile of Carlos Fernandez Gondin
while I was cruelly expelled from the funeral of my father on the orders
of General Raul Castro, would remain in my memory as eternal scar. I
wished I had died that day.

Today I want to write about his sons for whom, more than medication, I
recommend an exorcism. It has not been easy for them to have a father
who is believed to be a popular hero and is just a bunch of medals. It's
a pleasure to color the image of the occasional smiling General Gondin,
with guidelines more than stories, whom they called "The Fairy
Godmother" because he loves to make numbers out of names and turn people
into a national security issue.

Despite his small stature, grotesque manners, and hideous countenance,
General Gondin Fernandez is a man detached and extravagant, especially
with what is not his. Let's say that like Farouk, the last Egyptian
monarch, the soldier referred so inclines to the promiscuous, is
extravagant and a kleptomaniac.

Thoroughness is his virtue. Spying for Raul, and sharing the love of
vodka, he became head of the Military Counterintelligence, a member of
the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Division General,
First Vice Minister of the Interior, and with the arrival of Raúl to the
presidency of the Republic of Cuba, the cloying Gondin thought to occupy
the throne of his Ministry.

But no, the theories are flawed and even the Roman Empire lasted four
centuries longer than expected. With the entry onto the scene of
Alejandro Castro Espin as Colonel Coordinator of the activities of his
father, and the total subordination MININT to Vice Admiral Julio Cesar
Gandarilla Bermejo, Head of the Directorate of Military
Counterintelligence, the only sailor who can not swim; exacerbating the
fears of Gondin who, feeling displaced, dedicates himself to mining in
silence the old wall of loyalty.

There is nothing more frustrating for a climber than to feel he is a
spectator. But his life continues to be a sort of ossuary. He is shy,
intense, unusual and almost mute; severe prudent, unscrupulous, sadistic
and not the least starry-eyed. Despite all his glory, and although
enjoying the benefits of selling fake battles, he appears paranoid and
insecure. Maybe because of this he visits the empyrean realm of
divination with a gentleman of Havana. Miramar, to be exact.

Hungry for power, he knows exactly where to run in panic situations.
With his arrogant appearance, and his ridiculous outfit, he loves
hunting, fishing, and is steadfast to the allegory of terror. Some say
Gondin is a good man, who did not reach tenth grade, and doesn't know
the article of the Declaration of Independence that says "When a
government becomes a danger to its own ends, it is the right of the
people to abolish it."

"Commander in chief, at your orders" has been his motto in life. But his
work — by his own comments — is reduced to inventing the impending
accident, one that also seems fortuitous, such as making one of the
beautiful granddaughters of the chief slip and fall into the bed
occupied by the gentleman lawyer, President Rafael Correa, during one of
his visits to Havana. We must not think evil, that's not pimping,
hustling, nor even a foreign siege, it is a coldly calculated attempt to
change the geopolitical division of the region.

December 16 2012

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