Sunday, July 31, 2011

To Support Who, in Reality? / Fernando Dámaso

To Support Who, in Reality? / Fernando Dámaso
Fernando Dámaso, Translator: Unstated

Not surprisingly, in the crusade against the empire that the Cuban
regime has waged since its establishment, they have regressed from
supporting the progressive forces of that time, to closing ranks with
the reactionary regimes of today. It seems that in the long journey some
ideals were lost, mainly having to do with the full freedom, humanism,
civil rights, et cetera.

In official statements and in the media, openly and shamelessly, they
defend the rulers overthrown by the will of the people in Tunisia and
Egypt. Also those who, faced with popular demonstrations and riots, are
trying to maintain power in Yemen, Libya and Syria. They also supported
the ruler — ultimately ousted — in the Ivory Coast who, despite having
been defeated in a legal electoral process, refused to relinquish power.
All this without mentioning the absurdity of North Korea where power, as
a dynasty, is passed from fathers to sons (just in recent days they
commemorated the 99th anniversary of the birth of the great leader,
founder and eternal president of Korea), or the desire to perpetuate
himself in power of the Venezuelan president.

It is understandable that this happens: the Cuban regime has been in
power for 52 years, and in practice has also functioned as a dynasty
where the main political positions are held by the so-called historic
leaders. Therefore, the issue is close enough to them and they defend
their peers as a way of defending themselves.

It is a reality that social phenomena do not have to be repeated
identically, but also a reality that, when the causes are the same,
anything can happen. The domino effect is very old and is part of the
history of mankind and will not fail to be taken into account, despite
the geographic space separating the different events.

An intelligent appraisal what is happening, must lead to objectively
analyzing our situation and taking appropriate decisions in time to
avoid greater evils. This process includes the active participation of
all stakeholders, without exclusive policies, and the exercise of
citizens' rights. Only in a climate of tolerance, without obsolete
dogmatic entrenchment, can you secure the tranquility necessary to the
whole nation, a prerequisite for solving many problems.

April 29 2011

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