Tuesday, May 04, 2010


May 04, 2010

HAVANA, Cuba - If your next holiday destination is Cuba, be prepared to
shell out another 50-dollars or more on travel health insurance.

A new Cuban law requires foreigners to hold travel insurance approved by
island authorities before they enter the country.

Those without coverage will have to buy a local policy from a Cuban
state-run insurance company that can cost up to three dollars a day.

About two-and-a-half (m) million foreigners visited Cuba last year, most
of them from Canada.

Ottawa advises Canadians heading there to purchase supplemental health
insurance, because provincial plans may cover only part of the costs.

Canadian travel agents doubt the new regulation will have much impact on
Cuba's tourist trade.

Allison Wallace of Flight Centre Canada says insurance policies for a
one-week stay in Cuba range from 40 to 100 dollars.

She says travel agents will have a better idea of how travellers are
reacting to the new rule come the fall, when peak season for travel to
Cuba approaches."


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