Friday, November 27, 2015

The First Anniversary of a Truncated Hope

The First Anniversary of a Truncated Hope / Rebeca Monzo
Posted on November 27, 2015

Rebeca Monzo, 26 November 2015 — Some days from now it will be the first
anniversary of the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the
governments of Cuba and the United States, but the great expectations
awoken by the desired event seem to have fallen into uncertainty and

The vast majority of Cubans believed they saw on this event the
potential for great improvements in every sense, but disappointment soon
invaded all of us on seeing that the island's government had not taken a
single measure to indicate good faith and the desire to realize the
changes so greatly longed for.

The fact that they authorized travel for all Cubans and have streamlined
the paperwork is nothing new, nor is the authorization to buy and sell
homes and cars. These are not government handouts, but simply a
restoring of citizens' rights usurped 56 years ago by the regime itself.

Government immobility has led to a new stampede of Cubans abroad, using
every kind of means to escape from a regime in which nobody believes or
has any confidence.

Moreover, while thousands of compatriots abandon the country that is
totally bankrupt, selling all their property and belongings in order to
finance the path to a new dream, the influx of tourists to the island
grows as never before, surprising given that the country does not have
adequate infrastructure to receive them.

Shortages in the markets and hard currency stores, the sporadic
disappearance of basic goods like mineral water, soft drinks and beer,
the bad state of the streets and highways, the unhealthy atmosphere in a
city where garbage collection is inadequate, the outbreaks of dengue
fever and cholera in the capital and other provinces, make me question
what motivates this great arrival of foreigners, among whom we find
stars of the screen, the stage and music.

Could it be they want to visit this great Caribbean Jurassic Park before
the oldest and sickest of its dinosaurs, still breathing, cease to
exist? Only time will have the last word.

Source: The First Anniversary of a Truncated Hope / Rebeca Monzo |
Translating Cuba -

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