Sunday, September 27, 2015

When to Die for Art is to Live

When to Die for Art is to Live / Somos+
Posted on September 27, 2015

The Somos+ Family in solidarity with Danilo Maldonado Machado "El
Sexto." A hug, amigo.

Farewell letter from El Sexto

Valle Grande Prison

From the "cell" (of punishment)

September 16, 2015…

Where I am there is little light and I am in my underwear because I do
not want to wear the prison uniform. They give me a mattress for 5 or 6
hours at night. I only drink water and there will be no ability to
respond (from you to this letter) because they don't allow contacts.

Thanks to Lia, Gorki, Antonio and everyone for helping my mother manage
things. Thanks to Aylín for the beautiful and encouraging letters. I
read them as many times as I could, I would like to write you a thousand
letters like you deserve but now I do not think I will have the light,
the paper, nor the energy to do it.

The entire letter can be read here.

26 September 2015

Source: When to Die for Art is to Live / Somos+ | Translating Cuba -

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