Sunday, August 02, 2015

Clinton goes left again with her new Cuba policy

Clinton goes left again with her new Cuba policy
By Silvio Canto, Jr.

Mrs. Clinton called for an end to the U.S. embargo yesterday.

Some will say that she is supporting President Obama's foreign policy.
However, this has more to do with the American left than anything else.
Mrs. Clinton is desperately trying to go left, or sadly where the
Democratic Party is.

Lifting the embargo will not do a darned thing to help the people stuck
in the Castro regime.

I agree with The Miami Herald:

Despite months of talks between the two countries that began in December
with President Obama's announcement that relations would be normalized,
we have yet to see any significant actions by the Castro regime that
will benefit the United States or enhance the civil liberties and
freedoms of the Cuban people.

Internally, the regime maintains the same repressive attitude that has
allowed it to stay in power for decades.

That includes harassment of peaceful groups like the famed Ladies in
White for a series of successive Sundays, when they engage in peaceful
marches. The daily arrests, acts of repudiation and censorship of any
person or group that questions the official line are still in place.

Financially, Cuba has much to gain from the lifting of the embargo.
Venezuela, which has been helping prop up Cuba's chronically weak
economy, is running low on cash.

The Castros needed another lifeline.

If little has changed if and when Mrs. Clinton reaches the White House,
she should wait before restoring full trade relations with Cuba. The
embargo may be a relic of the past.

But so, too, is Cuba's government.

Sadly, Mrs. Clinton has joined the ranks of those among the American
left who think that you can end dictatorships by giving them a lifeline.
Or that you can free people by allowing U.S. companies to build beach
hotels that most Cubans will not go to. Or that you can create
prosperity in Cuba by doing business with state enterprises ultimately
owned by the Castro family, the infamous Castro Inc. that we've
discussed in previous posts.

Mrs. Clinton was once a strong supporter of the embargo and a tough
approach toward the Castro regime. It is a shame to see her running to
the left so rapidly and irresponsibly.

She could have said this:

Lift the embargo after the Cuban government releases political prisoners
and stops harassing independent journalists, settles with U.S. citizens
who had their property stolen, returns Joanne Chesimard to meet justice
in the U.S. for the killing of a New Jersey state trooper, and allows
access to the internet for dissidents and all Cubans, as well as when
the Castro regime stops harboring fugitives from U.S. law and other

Mrs. Clinton is throwing Cuban dissidents under the bus by
strengthening, not weakening the corrupt Castro regime. Maybe they are
applauding at the college lounges, but not in Cuba, especially in the
political prisons.

Source: Blog: Clinton goes left again with her new Cuba policy -

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