Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Twenty Independent Communicators to Consult in Cuba

Twenty Independent Communicators to Consult in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas
Posted on February 1, 2016

Luis Felipe Rojas, 1 February 2016 — This list is not intended to be a
"Top Ten," as is so common on internet publications. The list of names
that follows carries the history of the men and women who believe in
words and images as a tool of liberation.

The independent journalists that appear below do their work in Cuba
under the microscope of the apparatus of repression that we know as
State Security.

Most of them suffer arbitrary arrests, they have spent long years in
prison, they are violently detained, vilified and — paradoxically — are
non-persons in government media. In the case of Jorge Olivera Castillo,
he was sentenced to 18 years in prison in the "2003 Black Spring," but
he continues, unrepentant, to do alternative journalism.

Another of those on the list is the blogger Yoani Sanchez who, among
numerous international awards, holds the 2008 Ortega y Gasset Prize,
given annual by the Spanish newspaper El Pais. Confirming her commitment
to the journalism in which she believes, she founded the digital
newspaper 14ymedio and 2014.

These are "ordinary" rank-and-file reporters, who get up each morning
looking for news and accompany the victims of state bureaucracy — a way
of doing journalism that has already gone on for three decades in the
country, under the derision that arises from within the regime's prisons.

I wanted to include here those who have specialized in the genre of
opinion, thus helping to clarify what goes on within the country, but
also preserving the sharp wit that has been missing for years in the
journalism published on the island. The blame for this drought in
opinion pieces is due to the jaws that are greased every morning in the
offices of the Ideological Department of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Cuba.

Good health for free and uncensored journalism!

Here is the list:

Regina Coyula. Blog "La Mala Letra". BBC Mundo. La Habana.

Iván García. Diario de Cuba. Martinoticias. Diario Las Américas. La Habana.

Augusto C. San Martín. Cubanet. La Habana.

Serafín Morán. Cubanet. La Habana.

Ricardo Sánchez T. Cubanet. Bayamo, Granma.

Miriam Celaya. 14yMedio. La Habana.

Alejandro Tur V. IWP. Cienfuegos.

Juan G. Febles. Dtor Semanario Primavera Digital. La Habana.

Yoani Sánchez. Directora Diario 14yMedio. La Habana.

Iván Hernández Carrillo. Twittero. @ivanlibre Matanzas.

Yuri Valle. Reportero audiovisual. La Habana.

Jorge Olivera Castillo. Columnista opinión. Cubanet. La Habana.

Luz Escobar. 14yMedio. La Habana.

Luis Cino A. PD. Cubanet. La Habana.

Roberto de J. Guerra P. Dtor Agenc. Hablemos Press. La Habana.

Ernesto Pérez Chang. Cubanet. La Habana.

María Matienzo. Diario de Cuba. La Habana.

Bernardo Arévalo P. ICLEP. Aguada de Pasajeros. Cienfuegos.

Roberto Quiñonez H. Cubanet. Guantánamo.

Alberto M. Castelló. Cubanet. Puerto Padre. Las Tunas.

Source: Twenty Independent Communicators to Consult in Cuba / Luis
Felipe Rojas | Translating Cuba -

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