Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Cuba, Burma and Obama

Cuba, Burma and Obama / Antonio Rodiles
Posted on February 2, 2016

Martin Luther King Jr.: This "wait" has almost always meant "never."*

Antonio Rodiles, 1 February 2016 — More than a year after the
announcement of the restoration of relations between the United States
government and the Havana regime, the direction that the political and
economic landscape of our island will take remains uncertain.

The administration of President Barack Obama has outlined and is
delivering a broad agenda full of concessions to the regime without
asking for or receiving anything in return, either for the United States
or for the Cuban people.

It is important to note that the violation of the freedoms and
political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights of Cubans is
provided for in the existing judicial and legal system, which limits, by
law, the implementation of any measure that could work to our favor.

The United States government has validated the Castro regime as a
political actor, and expects that internal and external sectors,
including the opposition, accept this premise and develop strategies
based on it.

The agenda shows a certain logic and points in common with that
established with Burma, although the Cuban regime hasn't shown a
willingness to take even the first steps. It is important to point out
that the intentions and scope, particularly in the international arena,
of the two dictatorships have been very distinct, as have the
environments in which they have developed.

One of the elements that makes the Cuban case unique is the existence of
an exile only 90 miles away, with significant human, political and
financial capital, which the regime looks on with profound fear. It is
no wonder that they have focused in recent years not only on trying to
feed off of this exile, but also on seeking agents and spaces of
influence to try to control it or at least to link themselves to it.
There is no political or social dynamic in the island's present or
future that could effectively ignore the role of the exile.

In line with the Burmese case, some propose elections in Cuba as one
possible path to democracy, even within the ironclad totalitarian
environment. Endorsing an electoral process within this scenario would
end up legitimating the regime and its successors, at least in the
medium term, and would also leave in their hands all the economic power
and networks of influence for a new political moment. Accrediting
neo-Castroism is the path diametrically opposed to the creation of the
Rule of Law.

The possible visit of President Obama to our island seems to be
presented in terms similar to his first trip to Burma. In that case, the
president met with the opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who on many
occasions has been criticized for showing hesitancy in the face of human
rights violations. He also met briefly with other representatives of
civil society. The visit took place under strong criticism from
opponents such as the former political prisoner Aung Din, who called it
an act of legitimation of the ruling regime.

There is strong concern that a trip to Cuba by the United States
president will be another boost to neo-Castroism. While the president
has publically stated that he wants to meet with different sectors of
Cuban society, we get the impression that the opposition, above all
those who don't share the current administration's agenda, could be
discounted as has happened in other cases.

Including the self-employed, intellectuals and other actors who remain
under the full control of the regime within the definition of civil
society tries, and in many cases succeeds, in diluting and diminishing
clear and direct discourse about the daily excesses and abuses on the

We have heard with great insistence the fallacious argument that the
opposition is far removed from the people and their problems. This
assertion shows a lack of information and an ignorance of the nature and
behavior of totalitarian regimes.

The opposition is a portion of the people, already fed up, who dare to
openly and directly point to the regime as the main axis of our
problems, and demand our basic rights despite the high cost this
implies. To demand the exercise of our rights constitutes the maximum
commitment of any opposition movement against a despotic and corrupt
dictatorship like that embedded in our country for almost 60 years now.

To admit the legitimacy of the Castro regime implies consent to its
crimes and violations, past and present. To accept that neo-Castroism is
a part of the future of our nation deeply burdens and condemns us in
advance. Those who propose a supposed reconciliation, in which truth,
justice and compensation for victims are not contemplated as fundamental
elements, are mistaken.

The White House has in its hands to change the direction to a process
that doesn't enjoy the respect and support of broad groups of Cubans,
above all those who have paid a high cost for openly confronting such a
despotic regime. To insist on an agenda where principles and truth are
absent, is to condemn it to failure.

President Obama's visit, despite the softening of the initial euphoria
and expectations, it could bring more legitimacy to the regime and more
confusion and bewilderment to Cubans. As on other occasions, all the
momentum will end up fading if it is not conditioned on the dictatorship
taking concrete steps to dismantle totalitarianism.

The unfavorable impressions of many Cubans left by the visits of Pope
Francis and Secretary of State John Kerry are very fresh in our
memories. In both cases it was the regime that reaped the greatest
dividends, comfortably settled in its intransigence and violence.

Three basic steps that could give a context to the visit, as proposed by
the Forum for Rights and Freedoms (ForoDyL) are:

– Immediately cease the repression against every Cuban who defends their
fundamental rights and freedoms. Amnesty for political prisoners or
prisoners confined for acts with political connotations.

– Ratification and monitoring of the implementation of the United
Nations Covenants on Human Rights.

– Formal meeting with a representation of the Cuban opposition.

We who demand and defend our rights and freedoms and who, for more than
nine months, have gone out into public spaces to exercise them under the
campaign #TodosMarchamos (We All March), know well the repressive face
of the regime. Despite the costs involved we continue in an effort that
we consider vital in this struggle.

In similar circumstances and facing similar challenges and dilemmas,
civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. declared:

"On some positions cowardice asks the question, is it safe? Expediency
asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it
popular? But conscience asks the question, is it right? And there comes
a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic,
nor popular but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right."**

*Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter From Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963

** Martin Luther King, Jr. A Proper Sense of Priorities. A speech
delivered in Washington D.C. on February 6, 1968, on American
involvement in the war in Vietnam.

Source: Cuba, Burma and Obama / Antonio Rodiles | Translating Cuba -

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