Saturday, July 02, 2016

A Cuban doctor who moves history

A Cuban doctor who moves history
Posted: Saturday, July 2, 2016 10:00 am

WASHINGTON — When awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by George
W. Bush in 2007, Dr. Oscar Biscet had a scheduling conflict, being in a
Cuban prison. At the White House ceremony, Bush called him a "dangerous
man ... in the same way that Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi were
dangerous." It was not until three years later in a dark cell that
another prisoner told him what the citation read that day had said.
Recently, unexpectedly, Biscet was allowed by the Cuban regime to
travel to the Bush Institute in Dallas and finally receive the award
from Bush's hands. Biscet explains this as part of the regime's effort
to create "the impression of change." That impression was dimmed a bit
by the humiliating searches he was subjected to at the airport on his
departure. Knowing the police would rummage through his suitcase, Biscet
left a surprise: a Cuban flag covering his belongings.

It is the kind of in-your-face defiance displayed by many dissidents.
Biscet is offended to the core that the country he loves is occupied by
squalid autocrats who have run it into the ground. Political heroism is
often expressed by the simple inability to stomach the next indignity.
For this attitude, Biscet has spent 12 of his 54 years in Cuban jails.
His first offense was exposing deception at the heart of Cuban health
care, the regime's main source of revolutionary pride. In the early
1990s, Biscet (an internist and medical teacher) began documenting "the
mix between politics and medicine" that kept child mortality rates in
Cuba so low. The government pressured hospitals and doctors to pressure
women with problem pregnancies to abort, in order to post better
statistics. "If they know a baby may have congenital malformations,"
Biscet told me, "they are killed before birth, unless parents show very
strong objections." He explains: "It is all about appearances."
The largest question since President Obama's opening to the Cuban
government: Are we seeing changes that are more than appearances? There
is little doubt the regime is increasingly isolated, with its ally
Venezuela in socialism-induced chaos and a more hostile government
coming in Brazil. The Castro government seems interested in freeing up
some economic space for small and medium-sized businesses (though not
for professionals such as doctors and lawyers). But jobs in tourism are
rewarded to regime favorites and cronies, including former military.
According to a recent report by Oxford Analytica, the infusion of cash
into limited regions and economic sectors is encouraging greater
inequality and social tension. The government has responded by lowering
the price of food and children's clothing.
There is no indication that the regime is opening social or political
space. To the contrary, the Communist Party is overcompensating in its
revolutionary zeal, including an old-fashioned diatribe by Fidel Castro
against Obama and American imperialism.
Americans naturally view these events through the lens of their own
interests and weigh the costs and benefits. Obama's March visit to Cuba
was viewed by many (and by him) as a diplomatic breakthrough. Dissidents
see things differently. "For us," Biscet's wife Elsa says, "the faces of
the Castros on posters are like the faces of Hitler and Stalin. To see
the president of a democratic government embrace these people was ...
People born into free societies have a difficult time imagining the
experience of totalitarianism. In Cuba, the party ultimately controls
every job. Biscet once took work at a steel factory. When his political
history was discovered, he was fired. At the beginning of the regime,
there were mass confiscations and killings. Then large-scale
incarceration and forced exile for many Cuban patriots. Now, says Elsa,
there are also "policemen in the mind." Everyone feels watched. "That
fear is what now controls the population," says Oscar Biscet. "And it is
a justified fear."
Obama often talks about dictators and terrorists being on "the wrong
side of history." This can be a source of confidence, or a form of
abdication. When progress is seen as the result of a ticking clock or
impersonal forces, it acts as a release from responsibility. History is
generally moved in the right direction by individuals willing to
sacrifice their lives and liberty for the liberty of others. Standing up
for "dangerous" men and women is not a distraction from diplomacy. It is
one of the great comparative advantages of American foreign policy. We
benefit from the advance of the democratic values that gave our nation
birth — a birth attended by men very much like Dr. Oscar Biscet.

Michael Gerson's email address is

Source: A Cuban doctor who moves history - The Bradford Era: Opinion - A
Cuban doctor who moves history: Opinion -

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