Saturday, April 02, 2016

MININT Confronts What Could Be Its Worst Challenge -Information Theft

MININT Confronts What Could Be Its Worst Challenge: Information Theft /
Juan Juan Almeida
Posted on April 1, 2016

Juan Juan Almeida, 31 March 2016 — Not so long ago there was a rumor
that high officials of MINIT had been arrested by the Ministry. In
agreement with those implicated in the event and making a clear allusion
comparable to Case No. 1 of 1989 [a highly respected Cuban general was
executed for drug trafficking], there was speculation about a new
report. But the rumor faded away under a suspicious silence and a
potent, air-tight cloak of secrecy.

Theories have flaws, and even the Roman Empire lasted four centuries
longer than predicted.

What's certain is that the Division General, Carlos Fernández Gondín,
left his office in the MININT building accompanied by a doctor, after an
attack of rage that gave him a stroke and left him hospitalized.

What could have made him so irritated, or what could be so serious that
it could reduce the blood flow of someone who had been capable, without
remorse, of ordering the "ready, aim, fire" and, furthermore, justifying it.

A little more than four months after the Army General, Abelardo Colomé
Ibarra (alias "Furry"), resigned from the Council of State and as
Minister of the Interior, the Ministry faced what could be its biggest
challenge: information theft.

What's certain is that the recent initiate as Minister, Division General
Carlos Fernández Gondín, who also holds the "honorable" award as Hero of
the Republic of Cuba, left his office accompanied by a doctor, after an
attack of fury, which provoked a stroke and left him hospitalized.

The possessor of a sinister countenance, General Gondín is known for
keeping himself in the vanguard of the struggle. His principles, as well
as his doctrine, begin and end with the word "terror."

But when he had the new appointment, when he felt part of those who call
the shots, a group or an individual, still not identified, entered the
warehouse where the ultra-secret rumors are guarded and ransacked a very
important data base with privileged information.

What information was stolen? I have no idea! And those who know aren't
talking. However, the Cuban Government has let loose the largest
operation ever seen in many years, and, by the aggression of the search,
is showing desperation.

Officials of Internal Control, Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence,
Military Counter-Intelligence and the Commission of Defense and National
Security have been given the task of finding and questioning,
completely, without exceptions, those who entered and left the Ministry
in question.

And, as all computer networks are fashionable these days, despite
assurances that the theft was not the result of any cyber attack,
there's a good group of investigators, working full-time, who are
snooping around, with incisive scrupulousness, in the corners of cyperspace.

The fear and reprimand suffered by the sadistic, cowardly, possessed and
insecure Gondín, weren't because he didn't have copies of the stolen
archives, but for the fear and worry of not knowing into whose hands
what some consider "delicate information" could fall.

Translated by Regina Anavy

Source: MININT Confronts What Could Be Its Worst Challenge: Information
Theft / Juan Juan Almeida | Translating Cuba -

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