Monday, January 04, 2016

The EU must not betray Cuba

The EU must not betray Cuba
Brussels needs to insist on the Cuban people's right to choose their
political system.
By ROSA MARÍA PAYÁ 1/4/16, 5:30 AM CET Updated 1/4/16, 9:38 AM CET

After more than a year of negotiations with the Cuban government, the
European Union has shown no significant progress beyond statements on
commercial issues and the establishment of the basic framework for an

The Cuban government has played its cards well. It made public part of
its talks with the U.S. government, and the already frenetic race to
secure "positions" in Cuba went out of control. In the naïve belief,
among others, that the biological end of the brothers-in-chief will
bring about democracy spontaneously, European and other business people
are trying to assure themselves a place on the island "before the
Americans get there" — no matter how much money they lose in the process.

I will not dwell on the obvious lack of a market in Cuba, where the
people have no purchasing power or democratic resources required to deal
with foreign investors because the only legal business partner is the
Cuban government. Clearly, foreign investors handpicked as minority
partners by a government that controls everything on the island are
guaranteed that they will have no competition. But that comes at the
risk of losing it all the minute they start to become "inconvenient,"
either because they demand to be paid what they're owed or because the
government has found a more interesting — and submissive — partner. Some
European investors have even wound up in Cuban prisons, such as Stephen
Purvis from Britain.

The truth is that deals with mafias are never win-win. Paradoxically,
despite the country's clearly precarious economic situation, the Cuban
government has succeeded in portraying itself as having nothing to lose
in its negotiations with the EU. Yet European diplomats would be seen as
having failed if they are forced to call off the negotiations and admit
that the Cuban government is not ready to give in on anything and
therefore does not meet the basic human rights conditions the EU
requires of its partners. The pressures on this issue run counter to
logic, and so the EU negotiators in the end are more likely to sign any
agreement to show results and satisfy economic interests.

The EU requires a human rights clause in the final agreement, which the
Cuban government will try to define as if it is meeting the conditions.
But if Europe comes to the coherent conclusion that it is Cuba that
needs Europe, and not the other way around, it will have the leverage to
support democracy and, through that, true peace, progress and stability
in Cuba and the region. That is required for a real framework of
guarantees for European economic interests.


Cuba has not had a free and multiparty election in 65 years, and there's
not even a framework for carrying one out now. The space for economic
reforms is also very limited because the constitution was illegally
amended in 2002 to put the island's economic, political and social
system under the "irrevocable" control of the Communist Party and its
monopolistic management. The EU cannot ask for a change in the
constitution, but it can support the right of Cubans to choose their own
future, and the political and economic systems they want for their
country. The opposite is immoral.

There is a non-partisan citizens' initiative, Cuba Decide (Cuba
Decides), for a binding referendum that will allow Cuban citizens to
vote on the changes needed to start a transition to democracy. No mater
how many cosmetic reforms the government puts in place, a true
transition cannot start until Cubans participate fully. The human rights
issue must permeate each and every point of any EU agreement with Cuba,
and cannot be treated independently of the others. Conditions
established by the EU must be measurable and verifiable.

That is why we hope for support for the binding referendum, under
conditions that guarantee the transparency of the process and the
presence of international observers. It happened in Chile in 1988, with
support from the majority of the world.

Neither the EU nor the Barack Obama administration are responsible for
fixing Cuba's problems. But they do have a historical responsibility to
take specific steps of effective solidarity with a real transition to
democracy. To support the participation and sovereignty of Cuban
citizens, instead of the rule of an unelected corporate-military elite
that has been in power for 56 years, is in any case the moral option.

Who could oppose the Cuban people's right to chose?

Rosa María Payá promotes the "Cuba Decides" campaign and is the daughter
of the late dissident leader Oswaldo Payá. She Tweets at @RosaMariaPaya.

Source: The EU must not betray Cuba – POLITICO -

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