Tuesday, December 01, 2015

US repatriates 108 Cuban migrants 11-2015

US repatriates 108 Cuban migrants

Miami (AFP) - The United States has repatriated 108 Cuban migrants who
were picked up at sea in recent days trying to reach American shores in
unseaworthy vessels, the US Coast Guard said Monday.

The migrants were in seven rustic craft intercepted in the Florida
Strait, a treacherous, shark-infested body of water that lies between
Cuba and the United States, the Coast Guard said.

They were returned to Bahia de Cabanas, Cuba on Sunday in two Coast
Guard patrol boats, it said.

Since the United States and Cuba announced a historic rapprochement in
December 2014, there has been a surge in attempts by Cubans to reach the
United States.

US law allows Cubans who reach dry land to stay and ultimately gain
permanent resident status, a Cold War era policy that some would-be
immigrants fear will end as US-Cuban relations normalize.

"US immigration policies have not changed and we urge people not to take
to the ocean in unseaworthy vessels. It is illegal and extremely
dangerous," Coast Guard Captain Mark Fedor said.

President Barack Obama's administration has repeatedly said it has no
plans to change the laws governing Cuban immigration to the United States.

Since October 1, 915 Cubans have tried to enter the United States by
sea, according to US statistics.

In the previous fiscal year ending September 30, 4,462 Cubans arrived by
sea or tried to do so, compared to 3,940 the previous year.

Source: US repatriates 108 Cuban migrants - Yahoo News -

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