Thursday, October 01, 2015

Raul Castro Tells UN that Human Rights Are ‘a Utopia’

Raul Castro Tells UN that Human Rights Are 'a Utopia' / Diario de Cuba
Posted on September 30, 2015

The general stands in defense of Latin American populist governments and
criticizes democracies with parties "alien and distant from the
aspirations of the people.", New York, 28 September 2015 – General Raul Castro
affirmed this Monday, in his speech before the General Assembly of the
UN, that the enjoyment of human rights is "a utopia," and he criticized
the fact that, according to him, "their promotion and protection is
distorted." "They are used as a selective and discriminatory way of
imposing political decisions," he remarked.

The ruler began his speech with reference to the "unacceptable
militarization of cyberspace and information technology." And he
lamented that since the emergence of the fundamental charter of human
rights, there have been "constant wars and interventions, forcible
overthrows by government forces and soft coups."

In this sense, he defended the freedom of countries to choose their own
political, economic, social and cultural system, and he explicitly
defended the governments of Nicolas Maduro and Rafael Correa, respectively.

The general asserted that the cause of the conflicts is found in
"poverty," originating, according to what he said, "in colonialism first
and imperialism later."

"The commitment assumed in 1945 to promote social progress and elevate
the standard of living for people and their economic and social
development is still a chimera," he emphasized, pointing out that "795
million people suffer hunger, 781 million adults are illiterate, 17,000
children die every day of incurable illnesses, while military expenses
are 1.7 trillion dollars worldwide."

The ruler indicated that "with only a fraction of this amount they could
solve the most pressing problems that afflict humanity."

Castro also asserted that "even in industrialized countries social
welfare states have practically disappeared" and added that "the
electoral systems and parties depend on money and publicity." They are,
he said, "increasingly alien and distant from the aspirations of the

Part of his address focused also on warning of the ravages of climate
change and particularly the serious consequences for "small island nations."

Castro also spoke of migration problems without reference to the Cuban
problem. Instead, he appealed to the European Union to "assume its
responsibilities" in the current humanitarian crisis "that it helped to

As on previous occasions, Castro reminded us that the normalization of
relations between the United States and Cuba will be completed with the
end of the embargo, the end of broadcasts by Radio and Television Marti,
the return of the Guantanamo naval base, and reparations for damages
caused to the Cuban people by sanctions. He also asked for the end to
"subversion" programs directed at promoting changes on the Island.

Translated by Mary Lou Keel

Source: Raul Castro Tells UN that Human Rights Are 'a Utopia' / Diario
de Cuba | Translating Cuba -

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