Saturday, October 03, 2015

Proposed Bill Could Bring Connecticut Tobacco to Cuba

Proposed Bill Could Bring Connecticut Tobacco to Cuba
By Kristen Johnson

For half-a-century, a trade embargo has banned the sale of US goods to Cuba.
But a Connecticut senator hopes to change that, by co-sponsoring the
Freedom to Export to Cuba act which would repeal the trade embargo
that's been on the books since 1960.
On Friday, Democrat Chris Murphy held a round table discussion with
Connecticut tobacco growers to hear their take on the issue. Many
expressed support for the idea, hoping it would provide a new
opportunity for business.
"There's more and more places where they don't want you to smoke," said
William Dufford, a South Glastonbury tobacco grower who's been in the
industry for 40-years.
Opening up diplomatic relations is the first step to getting products
grown in US soil back over to Cuba.
"This is an island that is just a handful of miles off of our shore with
millions of potential customers," said Murphy.
Tobacco is still big business in Connecticut, which is the 8th largest
producer, employing 1,000 people and adding $40 million to the economy,
but fields are dwindling.
"In the 50's there was probably 30,000 acres of tobacco grown in the
valley, now there's about three or four (thousand)," explained Dufford.
The Freedom to Export to Cuba Act would also remove a president's
authority to impose future embargoes, and repeal the prohibition on
Cuban imports. That had some worried about an influx of Cuban cigars to
the US that would hurt American tobacco growers, but officials explained
that US tobacco is already getting to Cuba through South America, and
Connecticut farmers are missing out. Proponents say this bill presents
an opportunity to make money off the legal trade of American tobacco to
"I hope there's some dollar signs, and keep us all in business," said
Senator Murphy said the proposal is not just good for business but good
"Once they get access to US goods, all of sudden political reform is not
so slow to follow," said Murphy.

Source: Proposed Bill Could Bring Connecticut Tobacco to Cuba | NBC
Connecticut -

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