Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Unknown Cuban ballplayer sleeps outside of Dodger Stadium, hoping for a tryout

Unknown Cuban ballplayer sleeps outside of Dodger Stadium, hoping for a
Craig Calcaterra Aug 31, 2015, 12:28 PM EDT

This is not something you see every day. Cuban ballplayer Loah Linares
has been sleeping outside of Dodger Stadium, hoping to get a chance to
try out for the Dodgers. From ABC 7 in Los Angeles:

It's a lesson in sheer determination. A baseball player from Cuba has
been sleeping on the sidewalk outside Dodger Stadium for 17 days,
waiting and dreaming about one thing: baseball . . . He's determined to
stay outside Dodger Stadium for as long as it takes, and has been
working out as much as he can on the streets, hoping the owners will
give him a shot on the field.

There's a bit at the end there in which stadium security has said that
Linares has tried to get inside the stadium but has not been successful.
Given that he's still there and hasn't been arrested for trespassing,
one can assume it wasn't a serious or threatening attempt.

I can find no reference to him apart from the story of his camping
outside of Dodger Stadium so it seems as though he's not exactly a
prospect, even if he is a baseball player. If he was, you'd think he'd
be in someone's organization right now, not camping outside of a major
league ballpark.

Still, very odd story. The sort of thing that could either be a Disney
story or a story of delusion and determination, depending on which kind
of narrative-crafting you prefer.

Source: Unknown Cuban ballplayer sleeps outside of Dodger Stadium,
hoping for a tryout | HardballTalk -

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