Tuesday, September 01, 2015

The Tyrannosaurus Rex Generation

Cuba: The Tyrannosaurus Rex Generation
August 31, 2015
By Martin Guevara

HAVANA TIMES — The experience of Syrian refugees – a drama much talked
about around Europe today, which is cause enough for concern in and of
itself – led me to make a rather disheartening observation.

The tragedies these exiles bring with them from their native soil are
made worse when they fall into the hands of Serbian, Bulgarian and
Hungarian criminals, who not hesitate to try and make a profit through
human trafficking.

The worst, however, is to be found at the hands of mafias, governments
and common people in former Soviet satellites, where "solidarity" or any
respect for human rights is practically non-existent. All the while,
Austria is showing an exemplary sensitivity and behavior.

The first half of the 20th century clearly showed us that Austrians are
not intrinsically kind and that Hungarians, Serbs or Bulgarians are not
demons by nature.

This is the result of the perverse experiment that was inaptly called
"communist," for it did not even adhere to the tenets that the ideology
proclaimed at the time, the experiment essayed in the countries behind
the Berlin Wall, where the least capitalist development was to be found.

Today, the largest numbers of young, working-class neo-Nazis are to be
found precisely in Eastern European countries. Within Germany (which has
earned for itself eternal suspicion), the majority of people who feel
nostalgia for the holocaust are clearly concentrated in the area that
was once the GDR.

I would like to be able to say that Cuba will go a different way, but I
fear that the new generations, already composed of an army of young
people who are apolitical to the bone, defenders of a kind of
anti-culture, characterized by the worst imaginable taste and the most
commercial aesthetic possible, will also have an instinct aversion to
any notion of solidarity, that they will carry this aversion in their
genes, molded and forged as these are by the intense and premeditated
fiasco that accompanied that jargon, that terminology they were forced
to adopt – that the present and future generations will not be able to
avoid associating these ideas with the unique scam the Cuban people were
subjected to for more than half a century.

This new phenomenon is expressed through a handful of vulgar words and
auxiliary interjections that are as difficult to understand as they are
insolent and aggressive.

Regrettably, we have to admit that it is far easier to share cultural,
ethical and even political ideas with those Cubans who were deported
during the first years of the Cuban "de-evolution" than it is with the
voracious litter spawned by that utopian project aimed at creating the
"New Man," a project that led to the creation of young people
reminiscent of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Source: Cuba: The Tyrannosaurus Rex Generation - Havana Times.org -

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