Tuesday, November 03, 2015

More Cuban Migrants Are Entering the U.S. This Way

More Cuban Migrants Are Entering the U.S. This Way

From Texas Standard:

The world is in the midst of the largest displacement of human beings
since World War II. The images of the people leaving their country in
makeshift rafts are the images of Syrians.

In 2013, only 359 Cubans arrived in the U.S. by sea. But that doesn't
mean they stopped coming.

The shortest route for Cubans migrating to the U.S. is still by sea,
entering through Miami. It's dangerous, even deadly.

They were the worst 330 miles Jorge Malledo ever traveled. He started
that journey 10 years ago. So, Malledo says, earlier this year when his
son decided to leave Cuba, the first step was to fly him to
Ecuador, where there are no visa requirements.

"He was in Ecuador for two or three weeks. Then he went through
Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and
finally the United States," he says in Spanish. "It's quite a trek, but
it's currently the only chance if you want to avoid the ocean."

It took months for Malledo's son to arrive in Texas. He's far from
alone. Thousands of Cubans are making the long journey through air,
instead of the short one by sea.

In 2013, 40,000 Cubans entered the U.S. by land – many by way of Ecuador.

Amanda Posson is with Refugee Services of Texas, one of the country's
largest refugee resettlement agencies. She says numbers like these were
unheard of in the last decade, but three things have contributed to the
large influx.

First, in 2013, Cuban President Raul Castro made it easier for Cubans to
leave the country. They no longer need an exit permit. Then last
year President Obama launched a policy to ease tense relations with
Cuba, dating back to the Cold War. Finally, many Cubans began to get
nervous about their refugee status.

"That they will no longer have special privileges that basically entitle
Cubans to be treated as refugees upon arrival to the United States and
thus are choosing to migrate immediately," Posson says.

Under immigration rules dating back to the 1960s, emigres from Cuba are
the only foreign nationals entitled to a work permit and a Social
Security number upon arrival in the U.S., no questions asked. They can
also receive financial assistance for housing and job training.

Posson says service providers like Refugee Services of Texas want changes.

"What we want to advocate is that the Cuban parolees are not given
dollars that are earmarked for refugees," she says. "The refugee crisis
globally is at a peak and funding to assist these groups is not
necessarily increasing. So, instead of using refugee dollars for
individuals that may not meet the definition of a refugee, we want to
make sure that those dollars are allocated to groups that meet the

In the current climate, where changes in immigration policy could come
quickly, the number of Cubans arriving in South Texas continues to rise.

On a recent trip to the border, I saw immigration authorities struggling
to keep up with processing the large contingent of Cuban arrivals. An
official said even access to the bathroom was closed, because while they
were processing people from Cuba, they hold them in makeshift cells.
Their numbers were so large they had to close an entire section of the

A few minutes after his release, a Cuban emigre named Angel Hernandez
Rodriguez told me he had heard changes in policy are imminent. A month
ago, he decided to fly 1,600 miles to Ecuador and then travel 2,900
miles by land to the U.S.

"Here we are," he says in Spanish, "to start a new life. Because no
matter what happens – it will always be a better life than the one I had
in Cuba."

Source: More Cuban Migrants Are Entering the U.S. This Way | KUT -

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